Becoming Disciples through Bible Study is a dynamic approach to the study of the Bible. During 34 weeks of intensive study, this program moves through the scriptures from Genesis to Revelation using print and video resources in a small group format. Rev. Ryan Slifka will be be leading this intensive formation-oriented small group bible study over the period of 34 weeks to give people the opportunity to dive in and dig deep into the Christian story and learn how to live it daily.
September 2015-May 2014, time and location TBA
Read MoreIt is with a heavy heart that we report that our dear friend Glenn Jackson died in his home late yesterday morning.
Read MoreSt. George's has been experiencing growth this past year! One area of particular growth is in children's participation in Sunday worship. As such, we are planning to divide our children into preschool (0-4) and school-aged children (5-10), and are seeking an enthusiastic, engaged, and open-minded adult to lead our school-aged children's church in spiritual nurture and formation.
Read MoreThe Comox Valley Toy Library was in need of a home, and St. George's has offered the Toy Library long-term space to run out of several vacant rooms in our basement, accessible by our 6th Street entrance
Read MoreSchedule of Holy Week/Easter Services 2015
Palm/Passion Sunday March 29th 10:30am at St. George’s United Church
Good Friday April 3rd 10:00am Joint Service at Comox United Church
Easter Sunrise Sunday April 5th 6:30am Joint Service at Goose Spit
Easter Sunday April 5th 10:30am at St. George’s United Church
Sad news yesterday, that the Naramata Centre has announced that it must close and cease all operations. Naramata has played a key role for decades in lay Christian education in the United Church, with many United Church people having fond memories and transformative experiences.
We at St. George's lift up our prayers for the staff and board of Naramata, along with the surrounding community.
Read more here.
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